Types of Ventilation
Following are the different types of non-powered ventilation systems, which we use in our buildings. Each system is based on basic principles of gravity and wind flow, where the hot air moves up and out, and the cooler atmospheric moves in to fill the void created by the hot airs outward movement.
Turbovents are dome shaped wind driven ventilators which provides the desired exit to the hot humid air trapped inside the shed. It rotates by the push of the natural draft of wind and takes out the heat inside the shed. The main advantage of this system is that it can be installed or increased in number even after the construction of shed is complete. Click Here to Know More.

Roof Monitors
Roof Monitors are the most traditional form ventilation used in industries. These are integrated into the steel building shed and are fabricated along with it. It can be custom made in various sizes to suit client’s ventilation requirement. It is the ideal choice for industries where heat and pollution emission is high. Click here to know more

Ridge Vents
Ridge Vents are smaller form of roof monitor it comes in the standard size of 600 mm throat size and 3000 mm length. It can be installed at regular interval or continuously at the ridge line of new or old constructed sheds. These are light in weight hence does not require any change to existing structure. Ridge vents are effective ventilation tool which provides exit of hot air from ridge line of the steel buildings. Click Here to know more.

Industrial Louvers
Industrial Louvers are the preferred choice for industries with high heat generation. The louvers facilitate huge intake of cooler atmospheric air from it surrounding. To facilitate this they have to be sturdily built, preferably along with shed. Clients can choose to get them built continuously or in particular sections of the shed as required. Click here to know more.

Fixed Louvers
Fixed Louvers allow steady flow of cooler atmospheric air to move inside the steel buildings. They are the best suited for light industries and warehouses. They are made from the same colour coated material as used in the cladding sheet and aesthetically very good-looking. It is very lightweight and easy to install. Click here to know more.